Hello, I'm Lulu & I'm a Wellbeing Facilitator.
I'm a Massage Practitioner, Energy Helaer & AuraMediator for AuraTransformations.
With over 30 years of practice, magical hands & an in-depth understanding of 'invisible' energies, I'm very good at helping people to deeply relax, feel nourished & let go of burdens.
I support people to learn very simple, practical & grounded tools to take care of themselves - physically, emotionally & spirtually.
My aim is to empower you to live your life as your most unique grounded, creative expresson of you.
With love for a shinier you.
Feel free to get in touch for a chat to see if we are a fit.
Click here to get a free energy maintenance tool
x Lulu
What I offer:
Treatments offered are not intended to replace orthodox medical treatment.
In case of a medical condition, you should seek medical advice from your doctor & obtain his permission for any complementary treatment you choose to undertake alongside it.
Where I can see you
I can see you in person in Kemptown, Brighton, in your home in Brighton or Online.
I am sometimes available in London, around the UK & abroad.
I am very happy to hear from you.
Please get in touch for a chat to see how I can help you.
07985 099 648
Click here to email me
Kemptown, Brighton
Additionally, I am available to travel within the UK & Abroad for AuraTransformation & Talks on New Time Energy.
Please do get in touch if you'd like me to come & Talk, even to small groups, or if you'd like to help me spread the work here & abroad.
BOOK HERE For Free Skype Consultation to see how you might benefit.
More Info on AuraTransformation™
For more information on AuraTransformation & Talks on AuraTransformation , Energy Healing & Aromatherapy,
in Brighton,
feel free to call me for a chat on 07985 099 648
Click here to email me